Title: Head and Partner of Trademark Department
Employment experience:
In 1990, he began receiving training in patent law and became a European patent lawyer in 1996. In 1998, he became a German patent lawyer and later became a partner of the Hefeld Patent Law Firm.
Industry: European patent lawyer, German patent lawyer
Language: Germany, English, French
Typical case:
Professional fields: General Physical Engineering, Chemical Process Technology, Electrical Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, Mechanical Processing Equipment.
He has scientific research experience in the field of biological fluid dynamics at H.B. Wallis Institute and serves as a guest lecturer at Munich University of Applied Science and Technology.
Scope of work: Protection of patents, trademark rights, and design rights, authorization procedures, objection and invalidation procedures, revocation procedures, and patent infringement procedures.
Domestic agency: Beijing Huisichengye Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.
Contact number: 82600492